WMC Binder ( English ) 2.201601120
This application is provided by the WorldMission Society Church of God to introduce the word and the truthof God.The members of the Church of God website ( can usethis application.“Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; sohear the word I speak and give them warning from me.” (Ezekiel3:17)The WMC Binder provides various functions and videos to preach theword of God and help people understand it.“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens,and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for everand ever.” (Daniel 12:3)We hope that this can help you find eternal life and the way to thekingdom of heaven.[Major Functions]1. Introducing the Church of God2. Present status of the Churches of God throughout the world3. News about Church’s contribution to society and videos4. Electronic survey5. Binder about the truth6. Videos about the truth7. Other materials8. Bible verses about the truthThe members of the Church of God website ( can usethis application.
WMC 바인더
본 앱은 하나님의교회 세계복음선교협회에서 제공하는 앱으로 하나님의 말씀과 하나님의참 진리를 소개하는 내용 입니다.“인자야 내가 너를 이스라엘 족속의 파수꾼으로 세웠으니 너는 내 입의 말을 듣고 나를 대신하여 그들을 깨우치라 ”(에스겔 3:17)WMC 바인더는 하나님의 말씀을 전하고 이해하기에 유용하도록 제작된 다양한 기능과 영상물을 제공합니다.“지혜 있는 자는 궁창의 빛과 같이 빛날 것이요. 많은 사람을 옳은 데로 돌아오게 한 자는 별과 같이 영원토록비취리라” (다니엘 12:3)영원한 생명과 천국의 길을 찾는 데 기여할 수 있기를 바랍니다.[주요 기능]1. 하나님의 교회 소개2. 국내와 전 세계의 교회현황3. 사회공헌 소식과 영상4. 전자 설문지5. 진리소개 바인더6. 하나님의 교회 진리영상7. 기타 자료8. 진리 소개용 성구- 본 어플은 하나님의교회 웹사이트( 정회원이 사용할 수 있습니다.This app is the contentthat introduces the true Word of God and the truth of God in appsavailable from the World Mission Society Church of God."Son, I made you a watchman for the house of Israel, and you'veheard the words of my mouth Chirag wake them instead of me."(Ezekiel 3:17)WMC Binder offers a variety of features and videos designed toconvey useful to understand the Word of God."The wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament. Manypeople return to righteousness will shine forever as oneperson-specific "(Daniel 12:03)I hope I can contribute to finding the way to eternal life andheaven.[main function]1. Introduction to the Church of God2. Status of domestic and world church3. Social Responsibility News and Video4. The electronic questionnaire5. Truth About binder6. visual truth of God Church7. Other Resources8. Introduction to Scripture for the truth- This app is the Church of God website ( membershipis available.
하나님의 교회 1.0
본 앱은 하나님의교회 세계복음선교협회 소개와 국내 및 세계 복음활동 정보를 제공합니다. (하나님의교회 정회원만 사용할 수있습니다.)
Videoencuesta de la Biblia 1.0
Los miembros de la Iglesia de la web de Dios ( puedenutilizar esta aplicación. Esta aplicación de videoencuesta de laBiblia le ayudará a estudiar los secretos escondidos en los 66libros de la Biblia en forma de encuesta.
WMC 바인더 ( 스페인어 ) 1.201512040
본 앱은 하나님의교회 세계복음선교협회에서 제공하는 앱으로 하나님의 말씀과 하나님의참 진리를 소개하는 내용 입니다.“인자야 내가 너를 이스라엘 족속의 파수꾼으로 세웠으니 너는 내 입의 말을 듣고 나를 대신하여 그들을 깨우치라 ”(에스겔 3:17)WMC 바인더는 하나님의 말씀을 전하고 이해하기에 유용하도록 제작된 다양한 기능과 영상물을 제공합니다.“지혜 있는 자는 궁창의 빛과 같이 빛날 것이요. 많은 사람을 옳은 데로 돌아오게 한 자는 별과 같이 영원토록비취리라” (다니엘 12:3)영원한 생명과 천국의 길을 찾는 데 기여할 수 있기를 바랍니다.[주요 기능]1. 하나님의 교회 소개2. 국내와 전 세계의 교회현황3. 사회공헌 소식과 영상4. 전자 설문지5. 진리소개 바인더6. 하나님의 교회 진리영상7. 기타 자료8. 진리 소개용 성구- 본 어플은 하나님의교회 웹사이트( 정회원이 사용할 수 있습니다.This app is the contentthat introduces the true Word of God and the truth of God in appsprovided by World Mission Society Church of God."Son, I made you a watchman for the house of Israel, and you'veheard the words of my mouth cease reminding them instead of me."(Ezekiel 3:17)WMC Binder offers a variety of features and videos designed toconvey useful to understand the Word of God."The wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament. Manypeople return to righteousness, and He shall shine as the starsforever and ever "(Daniel 12:03)I hope I can contribute to finding the way to eternal life andheaven.[main function]1. Introduction to the Church of God2. domestically and around the world into the church3. Social Responsibility News and Video4. The electronic questionnaire5. Truth About binder6. visual truth of God Church7. Other Resources8. Introduction to Scripture for the truth- This app is the Church of God website ( membershipis available.
Библейская Видео Анкета 3.0
Библия - книга, которую читают больше чем какую-либо другую книгу.Однако, люди считают Библию сложной книгой. Это приложение созданоЦерковью Бога Обществом Всемирной Миссии для исследования Библии,чтобы вам было легче познать тайны 66 книг Библии, отвечая нанесколько простых вопросов в видео. Мы надеемся, что с помощьюэтого приложения много людей сможет найти ответы на тайны Библии ипуть к вечной жизни и Царству Небесному.
Bible Video Survey 1.0
The members of the Church of God website ( can usethis application
바이블 영상설문
This app is the Church of God website ( membership isavailable.
하나님의 교회와 유월절
The Church of God, Elohim, Mother of God, Christ, Ahn Sahng-hongSpirit, the new covenant, Passover
Church of God and The Passover
Church of God,Elohim,Heavenly Mother,Christ,New Covenant, Passover
Pray Daily 3.5.6
Manage your faith through "Pray Daily"
WMC Academy
The members of the Church of God website ( can usethis application
My Memo 1.18
The members of the Church of God website ( can usethis application
WMC 바인더 2.0 2.202307050
This app can be used by the Church of God website (
WATV MyPage 1.202303290
The members of the Church of God website ( can usethis application
Church of God, Intro Video
This app provides the World Mission Society Church of Godintroduction video.
하나님의교회 웹사이트( 정회원 중, 승인된 자에 한 해 사용할 수 있습니다.
리포메이션 ( reformation ) 1.1
Re-formation (reformation) Of the Church of God website( membership, can be used by the authorized party.
m-BMS 1.202212150
Of the Church of God website ( membership, isavailable only to authorized personnel.
WMC QR Admin 1.19
Only members of the Church of God website ( who areauthorized members can use it.
WMSCOG 1.20170216
The World Mission Society Church of God(WMSCOG) has over 2.5millionmembers in 175 different countries with over 2,500churchesworldwide. Doing blood donations, disaster relief, helpingourneighbors, environmental clean ups, helping hand for ruralareas,as supporters and so on. Carrying out the role of being thesaltand light in the world. Here upon receiving the KoreanPresident'saward, the American President's volunteering serviceaward and theGreat Britain's greatest service award "The Queen'sAward forVoluntary Service", along with many as much as 2,000awards fromall over the world. The WMSCOG application is a globalappintroducing the homepage of the Church of God with newsandinformation. [Information] 1) The local Church of Godhomepagefeaturing their community culture. 2) Allowing to haveaccess to avariety of service activities of the local church news.3) News ofthe local church being awarded. [Function] 1) The firsttime usingthis app, choose your nationality. 2) After choosingyournationality the app will connect you straight to theirhomepage. 3)If you have any questions, you can e-mail the churchhomepageadministrator. Let's find the Church of God near us throughthisapplication. You can find members of the church followingtheteachings of Mother in a harmonious family like atmosphere.Wishingyou can find the way of eternal life and Kingdom of Heaven.
WMC QR 1.04
Only members of the Church of God website ( who areauthorized members can use it.
SOMANG - 소망 1.1.2
It can be used only by regular members of the Church of God website(
NM School 1.02
Application for new members of the Church of God.